Watchet's Heritage - The Old Milk Bar

This appears to have been a purpose-built building for retail premises, possibly dating from the late nineteenth century. Its original purpose is unclear although it has been said that it may have been a mortuary.
Certainly, in a cellar of the adjacent property, there are large slate slabs installed, but these could just have easily been used for the preparation of fish.
It has served various purposes over the years as a fancy goods shop, electrical shop and even an artist's studio for a short time and until recently, it was a picture framers. It is however best remembered as the 'Milk Bar' that had a reputation for serving the finest ice creams for miles!
A herd of Jersey cows was often seen crossing the road here on their way to the parlour from the farm in Anchor Street. The chances are that they had had a day's grazing in the church fields and along the old pathway to the church.
At the time of writing the shop is vacant.